«Пермь-36» сохранить в качестве музея


«... Михаил Федотов, советник президента РФ по правам человека подчеркнул, что бывший исправительно-трудовой лагерь «Пермь-36» необходимо сохранить в качестве музея, причём именно музея политических репрессий, а не ла​герной системы».

Побродней: http://www.newsko.ru/news/nk-2713607.html

Discipline and show


The further fate of the museum "Perm-36" is questionable.

Details: http://www.theartnewspaper.ru/posts/1386/

Tense situation


The most detailed and clear about the situation around the museum of the history of political repression "PERM-36" and ANO "PERM-36", for today is set forth in an article by NewsKo, author Julia Batalina

Details: http://www.newsko.ru/articles/nk-2291520.html



Interview with the director of ANO Perm-36 Tatiana Kursina on DW

Sergey Kovalev on the museum "Perm-36"


Sergey Kovalev, one of the former prisoners "Perm-36", presented in the film: "... Museum" Perm-36 "is over. You just need to all understand that what is in its place - this is not the Gulag Museum. .. . It will be adapted presentation of the history of Soviet repression to the current domestic and foreign policy.

Details: https://openrussia.org/post/view/3229/

It looked like a museum in January 2013 on the video: https://vimeo.com/109960012